Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Thursday, November 17, 2016
The Bible, Its Origin And History
take such a title as the subject for an address almost frightens one,
and especially when we consider the time at our disposal. It must
needs be condensed and this is somewhat difficult to do. I hope,
therefore, you will pardon me if there is anything lacking as the
result of those limitations. It has been impressed upon my mind that
certain things in connection with God’s Truth cannot be separated.
A knowledge of history is desirable yet the Bible in itself is
Even in our present day there are happening certain events which point to the fulfillment of His Word. God is working out the counsel of His Will, so that in considering the Truth of God we cannot separate the secular side and that which is connected with religion, whether true or false. We look upon the Bible as our heritage. It has come down to us when in the midst of fears and doubts and been our comfort. We are responsible for what has been committed to us and for all the blessings and privileges we enjoy. The miracle of its preservation even when in the hands of its enemies is one that comforts us, because in the early days of the world’s history there were not in existence those means of preserving such a record as in more recent times. It means difficult and unceasing labor and right through it has been preserved in spite of a host of difficulties. In spite of hatred and opposition stirred up by the devil, God’s truth has been preserved in a way that has been marked by tears and at times by blood.
Its very preservers were sometimes the bitterest enemies to its principles, often ungodly men whose whole attitude towards God and His truth was one of enmity and hostility. Others have opposed certain parts, and rejected certain parts. God has used unregenerate men in bringing about His purposes. We see this in the case of Cyrus, King of Persia, Augustus, Caesar, Pontius Pilate. In more recent times we have Henry VII of England. We would not consider him as of estimable character, and yet God used him. I have no doubt that the political events in England were at that time guided of God, and particularly in the days of Elizabeth and James the first. I believe they were used in carrying out the eternal purpose of God in the preservation of His Word for the benefit of His people. The Bible presents to us a very complete picture of what was in the beginning. “In the beginning God created the Heaven, and the earth," Genesis 1. This doesn’t, to my mind, require any further explanation.
It tells us of the Great Creator behind the scenes and presents to us at once our origin - not as a creature emerging from some brutish condition or animal condition, but a civilized man capable of agriculture, able to invent musical instruments and to play thereon. To write a record of events and transactions was just as necessary to life then as now. Quite early in the history of the world, there existed a form of writing. These early writings were accomplished under great difficulties but were known even in the days of Abraham and in Egypt long before. The writings in Egypt were done on papyrus, made from a reed that grew along the Nile. The Egyptians looked upon writing as a boon as it enabled them to communicate and to keep a record, but only in a climate as Egypt possessed could this be preserved. In Egypt, papyrus writings thousands of years old have been dug up recently. Some written 4,000 to 5,000 years ago are now in the possession of scholars. It was cut up into strips and beaten together, rubbed with a stone until it presented a smooth surface. Then their scribes could write upon it. “Necessity is the mother of invention.” In Babylon somewhere about that time they also had their records. These were preserved on clay tablets that were baked in the sun or in the oven, then in the soft state the writings were inscribed with pen of iron or a wooden peg, and scholars are able to decipher those writings today. Amongst the Hebrews who were a pastoral people, the medium used was the skins of animals which were made into parchment. We see how the conditions that surrounded people’s lives had control over their actions and their inventions. The Lord Jesus often referred to the written word. He said, “It is written” on several occasions and so we see the value of the written word and especially when the words are those of men who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. One extraordinary thing is that God has so ordered events that long before a man is in a sound spiritual state God has prepared him for his life’s work. We have an example in the life of Moses in Egypt. He was learned in the culture of Egypt, and this was later on a help to him. Many rejoice in the fact that God’s servants were unlearned and ignorant men. This was said of Peter and John (Acts 4:13). They had the intellectual ability and power to express themselves. It shows also that associating with the Lord and knowing God helps in some who were stupid enough when we began in the fellowship of God have been greatly helped in this way. The fellowship of God has been instrumental in bringing about that development. Moses benefited by associating in Egypt with the world’s most learned men and consequently he knew how to write. This was the man whom God selected. “The law was given by Moses.” He was told to write and so it was placed on record, not, of course, in a book like this, but on parchment rolls. This I mention for the benefit of the younger ones here; the others know it as well as I do. They were long rolls of about thirty feet, on two rollers, and just unwound from one onto the other. This was the means used to preserve the text. God gave to His instruments in this work wisdom and patience. What a wonderful patience those early writers must have had in spite of the difficulties and vicissitudes of the times, etc. They tell of how men wickedly departed from God and openly served idols and lived in sin and rebellion, and again, and again they were restored in the mercy of God.
In II Chronicles 34:16 it is recorded how in Josiah’s reign Hilkiah and the scribe discovered the book of Law in the house of the Lord. Shaphan carried the book to the king. “Hilkiah hath given me a book,” and he read the book before the king. The story appeals to one who is a lover of books. Shaphan read it and it so affected the king that he rent his clothes when he saw how far astray they had gone through not having the Scriptures. This story emphasizes the fact that the Bible, its precepts, and teachings was a characteristic of the dark ages, both in the case of the Jew or Christian. The Jews went into captivity on account of their sins and were captive in Babylon. Daniel was able to tell Nebuchadnezzar about his vision, and the interpretation of it (Daniel 2:31) about the successive kingdoms, Persian, Grecian, Roman, etc., down to the “feet, and toes” - The division of the great Roman Empire (Verse 41). This is apparent in Europe today. We see the working out of God’s great plan in bringing back His people from captivity - the instruments used being Nehemiah and Ezra. These stand out at that time among the prophets as the restorers and preservers of the Scripture, so that Israel might have a standard.
The Jews were under the rule of the Persians for 200 years, and under this peaceful rule they flourished, but the plans of God cannot be brought to a standstill. This era of peace passed away and the calm and settled government of the Persians came to an end. Cyrus was an instrument used in the divine plan. This empire passed away, and at the close of that there arose the great Grecian empire of Alexander the Great. Born in Macedonia, he became the great leader and he was trained in the warlike arts. He penetrated even to the heart of India and through Persia and he settled in the land he had gained by conquest. He even came to Jerusalem intending to destroy it. According to Josephus, he had a remarkable dream in which he saw the High Priest stirred in his robes, and this so impressed him that when the High Priest and his attendants besought him to spare the city, he did so; he marched upon Egypt and conquered it. He is said to have wept because there were no more nations to conquer. He died at the age of about 33 years, and the empire was divided amongst his generals. God so ordered events that the Scriptures might be preserved.
The ruler of Egypt was Ptolomy. A great army of the Jews at that time settled in Alexandria and right around the Mediterranean in fact, but especially in Alexandria. This city was noted for its library, but amongst all the books there, there was not a copy of the Law of God. A Missionary was dispatched to Jerusalem to ask for a number of men who could transcribe and translate. They were to come to Alexandria and translate the old Hebrew Scriptures into Greek so that the Jews could read them in the Greek language. Subsequent events show how necessary this was. The sacred language of the Bible was Hebrew; Greek was the language of culture and commerce. It had spread through Asia. Greek was the language used in Palestine by a great number of Jews. Those men who went down to Egypt to Ptolmy accomplished the work, it was said, in 72 days. This was the first translation of the seventy or the Septuagint. It was the first translation of the Hebrew into Greek, the language of commerce.
The preservation of Jerusalem was temporary; soon the iniquity of the Jews brought about their overthrow. Jerusalem was taken by Antiochus Epiphanes. He differed from the other rulers who were more lenient. He was a monster of cruelty and yet God used him to chastise His chosen people. He was ruler of Syria. The Jewish people were in the jaws of a vice, as it were, between Egypt and Babylon, but as long as they obeyed the Lord their God and kept His precepts, all was well. When they turned to idolatry and forgot God, chastisement overtook them; Antiochus Epiphanes subjected the Jews to every kind of cruelty. Terrible scenes were enacted - the temple was ruined and profaned. God permitted this monster to commit all sorts of excesses. An image of Jupiter, the god of the Greeks, was set up and the Scriptures were forbidden. The sacred books were burned, yet in spite of all, we see how wonderfully God had intervened and in His grace had so arranged that His word was given to the nations.
For a considerable time Antiochus oppressed the Jewish people. It, however, produced a reaction. A nation may oppress another nation, but it brings a reaction. There were people called the Asmodeans who rose in rebellion against the horrors imposed by the Syrians. Then came the Maccabees, who freed the Jewish people from the yoke of Syria and rebuilt the temple about 160 B.C. According to the prophet Daniel, the Greek Kingdom was to pass away, although in the worldly estimation it seemed so strong it never would pass away. Now there was the rising power of the great Roman nation. At this time, armies were at the gates of Jerusalem.
There is a prophetic reference: Jacob on his deathbed said, in speaking of Judah, Genesis 49:10, “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet till Shiloh come and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” While the glory of the latter days was not equal to the days of David and Solomon, yet there was still a sceptre. The armies of Herod were in Judea. Now the time was coming when God sent forth His Son made of a woman, made under the Law (Galatians 4:4). Herod remained until Shiloh came. Never since that time have the Jews been a self-governing people. The Scriptures were now in Greek, and Hebrew, after the return from captivity, was no longer spoken generally. Aramaic was the language, possibly, of Christ and the apostles when together. Greek was the language generally spoken in public till the Romans came and later on this language was spoken. This was why the inscription on the Cross was in Hebrew, Greek and Latin, Latin being the language of the Romans. Greek was the language in which the New Testament was written; it was a language clear and rich in expression, and flexible. We are not to think this was the Greek of the classics. The classical Greek was very different from the Greek spoken and used by the Old Testament writers. Quite recently, some papyrus rolls have been discovered in Egypt, and they are written in the very same Greek in which the New Testament was written. This is a source of great comfort to many because some of the critics have said that the Greek of the New Testament was unreliable. With the rise of the papacy, Latin became the official language of Rome. Now we have the Scriptures in Greek as well as Hebrew and in various forms of the former. Jerome, a monk, now translated the Scripture from the original Greek into Latin. Originally it was from Hebrew to Greek and now we have it from Greek to Latin, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church. The only version in use by the clerical party for a thousand years, this version was called the Vulgate. First, the Septuagint – the Greek, and now the Vulgate – the Latin.
There were two great divisions in the church; one had its headquarters at Rome and the other at Constantinople. Gradually the pontiff bested the power of the great patriarch and gained complete ascendancy. Then came the dark ages and the Scripture was forgotten and unknown, to a great extent, for 1000 years. The Popes themselves were guilty of every imaginable sin. It was just one record of appalling iniquity, a time when darkness ruled over the earth. Pagan Rome had a great power for evil but Papal Rome was far worse. Europe was plunged into the Dark Ages. I will read what Grattan Gaines says (this is necessarily somewhat abridged): “Hear me, though it is only truth I speak - the red story of Rome’s deeds - the saints of God who have been slaughtered by papal Rome - Ye persecuted the Waldenses, and horribly massacred them, gentle and unoffending men - Ye hunted them, tortured, stabbed, impaled, cut in pieces, slew innocent children, tortured babes and slew thousands and threw Christian Europe into a shamble. Thy soul is stained, O harlot, and upon thy gilded brow and brazen, thy name is written. Thou art a murderess, O Rome; thou hast shed blood in the streams, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus....” etc.
This gives a little picture of what happened in the dark ages and shows the attitude of the church of Rome toward the people of God, and that persecuting spirit is still there and ready to break forth, although in check. Now we come to England and an event which was to blight the papal power that had spread its pall over the English people. I believe some of our Irish friends resent the thought that their ancestors were Roman Catholics. A few hundred years ago every person here had Roman Catholic ancestors and what we enjoy here is on account of those who were martyrs - we cannot judge them. When I see men willing to go to the stake for the Word of God and whose voices are lifted up against Babylon and the oppression of the Harlot - I must take off my hat and feel a reverence in my heart and say surely such a man must be on the right hand or left hand of Jesus of Nazareth.
Even in our present day there are happening certain events which point to the fulfillment of His Word. God is working out the counsel of His Will, so that in considering the Truth of God we cannot separate the secular side and that which is connected with religion, whether true or false. We look upon the Bible as our heritage. It has come down to us when in the midst of fears and doubts and been our comfort. We are responsible for what has been committed to us and for all the blessings and privileges we enjoy. The miracle of its preservation even when in the hands of its enemies is one that comforts us, because in the early days of the world’s history there were not in existence those means of preserving such a record as in more recent times. It means difficult and unceasing labor and right through it has been preserved in spite of a host of difficulties. In spite of hatred and opposition stirred up by the devil, God’s truth has been preserved in a way that has been marked by tears and at times by blood.
Its very preservers were sometimes the bitterest enemies to its principles, often ungodly men whose whole attitude towards God and His truth was one of enmity and hostility. Others have opposed certain parts, and rejected certain parts. God has used unregenerate men in bringing about His purposes. We see this in the case of Cyrus, King of Persia, Augustus, Caesar, Pontius Pilate. In more recent times we have Henry VII of England. We would not consider him as of estimable character, and yet God used him. I have no doubt that the political events in England were at that time guided of God, and particularly in the days of Elizabeth and James the first. I believe they were used in carrying out the eternal purpose of God in the preservation of His Word for the benefit of His people. The Bible presents to us a very complete picture of what was in the beginning. “In the beginning God created the Heaven, and the earth," Genesis 1. This doesn’t, to my mind, require any further explanation.
It tells us of the Great Creator behind the scenes and presents to us at once our origin - not as a creature emerging from some brutish condition or animal condition, but a civilized man capable of agriculture, able to invent musical instruments and to play thereon. To write a record of events and transactions was just as necessary to life then as now. Quite early in the history of the world, there existed a form of writing. These early writings were accomplished under great difficulties but were known even in the days of Abraham and in Egypt long before. The writings in Egypt were done on papyrus, made from a reed that grew along the Nile. The Egyptians looked upon writing as a boon as it enabled them to communicate and to keep a record, but only in a climate as Egypt possessed could this be preserved. In Egypt, papyrus writings thousands of years old have been dug up recently. Some written 4,000 to 5,000 years ago are now in the possession of scholars. It was cut up into strips and beaten together, rubbed with a stone until it presented a smooth surface. Then their scribes could write upon it. “Necessity is the mother of invention.” In Babylon somewhere about that time they also had their records. These were preserved on clay tablets that were baked in the sun or in the oven, then in the soft state the writings were inscribed with pen of iron or a wooden peg, and scholars are able to decipher those writings today. Amongst the Hebrews who were a pastoral people, the medium used was the skins of animals which were made into parchment. We see how the conditions that surrounded people’s lives had control over their actions and their inventions. The Lord Jesus often referred to the written word. He said, “It is written” on several occasions and so we see the value of the written word and especially when the words are those of men who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. One extraordinary thing is that God has so ordered events that long before a man is in a sound spiritual state God has prepared him for his life’s work. We have an example in the life of Moses in Egypt. He was learned in the culture of Egypt, and this was later on a help to him. Many rejoice in the fact that God’s servants were unlearned and ignorant men. This was said of Peter and John (Acts 4:13). They had the intellectual ability and power to express themselves. It shows also that associating with the Lord and knowing God helps in some who were stupid enough when we began in the fellowship of God have been greatly helped in this way. The fellowship of God has been instrumental in bringing about that development. Moses benefited by associating in Egypt with the world’s most learned men and consequently he knew how to write. This was the man whom God selected. “The law was given by Moses.” He was told to write and so it was placed on record, not, of course, in a book like this, but on parchment rolls. This I mention for the benefit of the younger ones here; the others know it as well as I do. They were long rolls of about thirty feet, on two rollers, and just unwound from one onto the other. This was the means used to preserve the text. God gave to His instruments in this work wisdom and patience. What a wonderful patience those early writers must have had in spite of the difficulties and vicissitudes of the times, etc. They tell of how men wickedly departed from God and openly served idols and lived in sin and rebellion, and again, and again they were restored in the mercy of God.
In II Chronicles 34:16 it is recorded how in Josiah’s reign Hilkiah and the scribe discovered the book of Law in the house of the Lord. Shaphan carried the book to the king. “Hilkiah hath given me a book,” and he read the book before the king. The story appeals to one who is a lover of books. Shaphan read it and it so affected the king that he rent his clothes when he saw how far astray they had gone through not having the Scriptures. This story emphasizes the fact that the Bible, its precepts, and teachings was a characteristic of the dark ages, both in the case of the Jew or Christian. The Jews went into captivity on account of their sins and were captive in Babylon. Daniel was able to tell Nebuchadnezzar about his vision, and the interpretation of it (Daniel 2:31) about the successive kingdoms, Persian, Grecian, Roman, etc., down to the “feet, and toes” - The division of the great Roman Empire (Verse 41). This is apparent in Europe today. We see the working out of God’s great plan in bringing back His people from captivity - the instruments used being Nehemiah and Ezra. These stand out at that time among the prophets as the restorers and preservers of the Scripture, so that Israel might have a standard.
The Jews were under the rule of the Persians for 200 years, and under this peaceful rule they flourished, but the plans of God cannot be brought to a standstill. This era of peace passed away and the calm and settled government of the Persians came to an end. Cyrus was an instrument used in the divine plan. This empire passed away, and at the close of that there arose the great Grecian empire of Alexander the Great. Born in Macedonia, he became the great leader and he was trained in the warlike arts. He penetrated even to the heart of India and through Persia and he settled in the land he had gained by conquest. He even came to Jerusalem intending to destroy it. According to Josephus, he had a remarkable dream in which he saw the High Priest stirred in his robes, and this so impressed him that when the High Priest and his attendants besought him to spare the city, he did so; he marched upon Egypt and conquered it. He is said to have wept because there were no more nations to conquer. He died at the age of about 33 years, and the empire was divided amongst his generals. God so ordered events that the Scriptures might be preserved.
The ruler of Egypt was Ptolomy. A great army of the Jews at that time settled in Alexandria and right around the Mediterranean in fact, but especially in Alexandria. This city was noted for its library, but amongst all the books there, there was not a copy of the Law of God. A Missionary was dispatched to Jerusalem to ask for a number of men who could transcribe and translate. They were to come to Alexandria and translate the old Hebrew Scriptures into Greek so that the Jews could read them in the Greek language. Subsequent events show how necessary this was. The sacred language of the Bible was Hebrew; Greek was the language of culture and commerce. It had spread through Asia. Greek was the language used in Palestine by a great number of Jews. Those men who went down to Egypt to Ptolmy accomplished the work, it was said, in 72 days. This was the first translation of the seventy or the Septuagint. It was the first translation of the Hebrew into Greek, the language of commerce.
The preservation of Jerusalem was temporary; soon the iniquity of the Jews brought about their overthrow. Jerusalem was taken by Antiochus Epiphanes. He differed from the other rulers who were more lenient. He was a monster of cruelty and yet God used him to chastise His chosen people. He was ruler of Syria. The Jewish people were in the jaws of a vice, as it were, between Egypt and Babylon, but as long as they obeyed the Lord their God and kept His precepts, all was well. When they turned to idolatry and forgot God, chastisement overtook them; Antiochus Epiphanes subjected the Jews to every kind of cruelty. Terrible scenes were enacted - the temple was ruined and profaned. God permitted this monster to commit all sorts of excesses. An image of Jupiter, the god of the Greeks, was set up and the Scriptures were forbidden. The sacred books were burned, yet in spite of all, we see how wonderfully God had intervened and in His grace had so arranged that His word was given to the nations.
For a considerable time Antiochus oppressed the Jewish people. It, however, produced a reaction. A nation may oppress another nation, but it brings a reaction. There were people called the Asmodeans who rose in rebellion against the horrors imposed by the Syrians. Then came the Maccabees, who freed the Jewish people from the yoke of Syria and rebuilt the temple about 160 B.C. According to the prophet Daniel, the Greek Kingdom was to pass away, although in the worldly estimation it seemed so strong it never would pass away. Now there was the rising power of the great Roman nation. At this time, armies were at the gates of Jerusalem.
There is a prophetic reference: Jacob on his deathbed said, in speaking of Judah, Genesis 49:10, “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet till Shiloh come and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” While the glory of the latter days was not equal to the days of David and Solomon, yet there was still a sceptre. The armies of Herod were in Judea. Now the time was coming when God sent forth His Son made of a woman, made under the Law (Galatians 4:4). Herod remained until Shiloh came. Never since that time have the Jews been a self-governing people. The Scriptures were now in Greek, and Hebrew, after the return from captivity, was no longer spoken generally. Aramaic was the language, possibly, of Christ and the apostles when together. Greek was the language generally spoken in public till the Romans came and later on this language was spoken. This was why the inscription on the Cross was in Hebrew, Greek and Latin, Latin being the language of the Romans. Greek was the language in which the New Testament was written; it was a language clear and rich in expression, and flexible. We are not to think this was the Greek of the classics. The classical Greek was very different from the Greek spoken and used by the Old Testament writers. Quite recently, some papyrus rolls have been discovered in Egypt, and they are written in the very same Greek in which the New Testament was written. This is a source of great comfort to many because some of the critics have said that the Greek of the New Testament was unreliable. With the rise of the papacy, Latin became the official language of Rome. Now we have the Scriptures in Greek as well as Hebrew and in various forms of the former. Jerome, a monk, now translated the Scripture from the original Greek into Latin. Originally it was from Hebrew to Greek and now we have it from Greek to Latin, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church. The only version in use by the clerical party for a thousand years, this version was called the Vulgate. First, the Septuagint – the Greek, and now the Vulgate – the Latin.
There were two great divisions in the church; one had its headquarters at Rome and the other at Constantinople. Gradually the pontiff bested the power of the great patriarch and gained complete ascendancy. Then came the dark ages and the Scripture was forgotten and unknown, to a great extent, for 1000 years. The Popes themselves were guilty of every imaginable sin. It was just one record of appalling iniquity, a time when darkness ruled over the earth. Pagan Rome had a great power for evil but Papal Rome was far worse. Europe was plunged into the Dark Ages. I will read what Grattan Gaines says (this is necessarily somewhat abridged): “Hear me, though it is only truth I speak - the red story of Rome’s deeds - the saints of God who have been slaughtered by papal Rome - Ye persecuted the Waldenses, and horribly massacred them, gentle and unoffending men - Ye hunted them, tortured, stabbed, impaled, cut in pieces, slew innocent children, tortured babes and slew thousands and threw Christian Europe into a shamble. Thy soul is stained, O harlot, and upon thy gilded brow and brazen, thy name is written. Thou art a murderess, O Rome; thou hast shed blood in the streams, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus....” etc.
This gives a little picture of what happened in the dark ages and shows the attitude of the church of Rome toward the people of God, and that persecuting spirit is still there and ready to break forth, although in check. Now we come to England and an event which was to blight the papal power that had spread its pall over the English people. I believe some of our Irish friends resent the thought that their ancestors were Roman Catholics. A few hundred years ago every person here had Roman Catholic ancestors and what we enjoy here is on account of those who were martyrs - we cannot judge them. When I see men willing to go to the stake for the Word of God and whose voices are lifted up against Babylon and the oppression of the Harlot - I must take off my hat and feel a reverence in my heart and say surely such a man must be on the right hand or left hand of Jesus of Nazareth.
It is commonly believed that Luther was the first one in the reformation, and indeed Luther’s name stands out, but I am glad that there were “Protestants” in the truest sense before Luther’s time. There were the Waldenses and the Albigenses in England. Wycliffe was a hundred years before Luther in witnessing for the Truth of God. He was a doctor of the Oxford University, a lover of the Scriptures and by them his eyes were opened to see the evil of Papacy. By the Scriptures in Latin, the translation of Jerome, his eyes were opened to the papal errors and the unscriptural position of the Roman church. It shows the power of the Word to enlighten. He attacked Rome by pamphlets, books and sermons. Here was a lone man and arrayed against him were kings and bishops who were unceasing in their warfare against so called “heretics.” He attacked the corruption of Rome, and finally, by translating the Bible from Latin into English, brought the Bible within reach of the English people. He also organized a band of poor preachers who denounced the bishops and the Pope. They were called “lollards”, which meant “to sing”. They were persecuted by the clergy. They claimed the Scriptures to be the property of the people. The clerics of Rome said, “We are the rightful custodians of the Bible, we will hold it.” Wycliffe said, “They are the rightful property of the people.” The apostles had no college degrees.
Then we have on record how the English king married a Bohemian princess. The king’s interests were aroused by this lady, who had no doubt heard of Wycliffe. There had been a great sin in Bohemia and the reformers had often suffered at the stake, for to speak of the things of God in the tongue of which they were forbidden was an unforgivable offense in the eyes of Rome. Wycliffe was brought before abbots and bishops - an old man, pale and worn, expecting to be burned, to hear the sentence of excommunication. For political reasons he was allowed to retire to the country. Later after his death his bones were dug up and burned. Thus we see the vindictive nature of those servants of the devil. In Wycliffe’s time, the task of copying the Scriptures was a toilsome one, as it had all to be done by hand. A copy cost about g40, a great sum in those days. This was the work of Wycliffe and his associates, day in and day out. So eager were people that a load of hay was the price paid for permission to read it for one hour a day. This was in the 14th century.
We now come to the 15th century and the beginning of a new era 20 years after the death of Wycliffe. John Gossella, who was afterwards known as Gutenburg, accidentally discovered what became the art of printing. He was playing with blocks made from the bark of a tree, and which had letters carved on them, when he let one fall into a vessel containing dye. He took it out and laid it on the table and when he took it up, there was the letter of his name. In 1450 the first Bible was printed. This was in the time known as the “Renaissance,” or revival of Europe. Previously, all learning had been in the hands of the monastic orders; now a new era was about to begin and the dawning of a better day for Europe.
This begins with the invention of printing, and at the same time there were important events in the political sphere. The Turkomans were in Europe. They took Constantinople, which had been a part of the Greek Empire. This became afterwards the capital of Turkey. The Greeks were unable to withstand the Turks. This seemed to be disastrous to Europe to see a pagan power encroaching, but as a crowd of Greek scholars came from that part of Europe and brought with them a knowledge of the Greek Scriptures - thus while Rome held the Vulgate, the Greeks had the custody of their ancient manuscripts. Those Greek scholars brought their manuscript with them and thus spread a knowledge of them throughout Europe.
Erasmus compiled and printed in Greek from the original manuscripts and it was possible for scholars to read in the original tongue the Word of God. It acted as dynamite, and the result was to give the English people their noblest heritage. In the 16th century, there was the revival of Greek learning and the compiling of a Greek Testament. William Tyndall became a famous scholar. He was of humble mind however, and he became the deadly enemy of the corruption of the clergy and of Rome. It was he who said, “I will cause the boy who drove the plough to know more of the Scriptures than the Pope and bishops.” What noble words! There was no place of safety for him in Roman Catholic England; he must needs flee from England to fulfill the purpose of his heart, and in hunger and poverty he worked and had it printed. He got those books into England in bales of goods and sacks of flour. In spite of the vigilance of his enemies, the Scriptures were scattered far and wide.
Thousands were seized and burned at the cross of St. Paul’s – burned by English bishops and by the authority of an English king. So we can swallow with a grain of salt the belauded virtues of the archbishops of York or Canterbury and their attitude in sitting in judgment on that unfortunate prince, now a fugitive from his country. There had been a darkness over England and God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. His life ended at the stake. He was betrayed by a man named Phillips. On Friday the 6th of October, 1636, he was first strangled and then burned to ashes. His last prayer was, “ Lord, open the eyes of the king of England.”
His Bible has been little improved upon. The Saxon simplicity and the charm are there and give an impression of what manner of man was William Tyndall. In the margin were the translators’ notes, and show a strong antipapal feeling. One read in reference to Aaron’s calf, “The Pope’s Bull slayed more than Aaron’s calf.” You are aware that the Pope’s “bull” is a document. Tyndall had broken the power of the Pope. Elizabeth may have been instrumental in resisting the King of Spain, as Augustus Caesar, or Pontius Pilate were used in fulfilling the purpose of God, but it was owing to such men as Wycliffe and Tyndall – men who loved not their lives unto death – King James added a version, first the authorized and then the revised versions. Andy Robb said once, “I have no difficulty believing that God helped Tyndall.” At present there is held in the British Museum, the manuscripts of the Alexandrian translation. They were in the possession of Russia, and when the Bolsheviks gained the upper hand, they were sold and the British government bought them for $100. The other translation (Codex Vaticanus) is in the possession of the Vatican.
The Manuscripts were written first in uncial characters, then in the running hand or cursory style. With regard to the Roman Catholic version - it was published as a counter - bland to Tyndall. This translation is just a translation from a translation, or from the Latin version which was a translation from the Greek. There are other versions such as Weymouth, Moffat, etc. and these are, in some respect, helpful to students. They are an effort to defeat the mortality of languages and render the text in current form. Greek and Latin languages are “dead” and because of that, are a valuable medium to preserve the imperishable truths in original purity, and those things that appeal to our hearts in the same way as to God’s people of old. The Bible is now printed in 711 languages and is of all books the “best seller.” I will close with a quotation of Walter Scott – “To read, to feel, to hope, to pray." Amen.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Carolyn Barsheba "Basha" Hamilton Waters

unknown | |
Death: | Jul. 10, 1899 |
![]() Born circa 1829. BARSHEBA, BERSHEBA, BARSHEBY - from the Old Testament place name "Beersheba," meaning the "seventh well" or the "well of the oath"." Genesis 21:31 "Wherefore he called that place Beer-sheba; because there they sware both of them." Note: In the 1870 census her name was incorrectly transcribed as "Dicey" but this was a transcription error, not a nickname. Widow of James Samuel "Sammie" Waters (1820-1865). Where her husband is buried is not known. He may have died in the war. No tombstone on grave. A tombstone on grave next to hers says "Saye". Lot 41, Valley Section interred 12 Jul 1899 Same plot with: Grandson: William Franklin Saye Where her daughter Sarah Waters Saye is buried is not known. Family links: Children: James Knox Polk Waters (1847 - 1903)* David Robert Waters (1849 - 1920)* Frances M Waters Meade (1853 - 1910)* *Calculated relationship | |
Burial: Oconee Hill Cemetery Athens Clarke County Georgia, USA Plot: Lot 41, Valley Section | |
Created by: cra2004 Record added: Feb 22, 2015 Find A Grave Memorial# 142948150 |
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Happy 60th Anniversary Bobbie And Fred Turpin
This picture was taken many years ago when they were much younger. They had been married for a short time.
This picture was taken on their 60th Anniversary.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Happy 91st. Birthday Aunt Louise
Yesterday was my Aunt Louise Barnett Waters Birthday. She is one of the inlaws on my fathers side that is still here.
She is the wife of one of my dad's younger brothers. They had two children, a boy Daniel and a girl, Sandra.
My dad has another sister in law to another brother and Aunt Lillie Mae is now 102.
Some of our Uncles and and Aunt have spouses that great long life genes.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Minnie And Arthur Waters Family

Top left Charles , Floyd, Claude
Middle Arthur and Minnie
Bottom left Lucille and Eva
Thanks for Sharing: Misty Waters Westmoreland
Minnie And Arthur Waters Family
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Happy Father's Day
Only a Dad | |
Edgar A. Guest (1916) | |
Only a dad with a tired face, Coming home from the daily race, Bringing little of gold or fame To show how well he has played the game; But glad in his heart that his own rejoice To see him come and to hear his voice. Only a dad with a brood of four, One of ten million men or more Plodding along in the daily strife, Bearing the whips and the scorns of life, With never a whimper of pain or hate, For the sake of those who at home await. Only a dad, neither rich nor proud, Merely one of the surging crowd, Toiling, striving from day to day, Facing whatever may come his way, Silent whenever the harsh condemn, And bearing it all for the love of them. Only a dad but he gives his all, To smooth the way for his children small, Doing with courage stern and grim The deeds that his father did for him. This is the line that for him I pen: Only a dad, but the best of men. |
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
A Father's Love
Click Here to hear this video.
Source: youtube.com
I got sent home from school one day with a shiner on my eye.
Fightin' was against the rules and it didn't matter why.
When dad got home I told that story just like I'd rehearsed.
And then stood there on those tremblin' knees and waited for the worst.
Fightin' was against the rules and it didn't matter why.
When dad got home I told that story just like I'd rehearsed.
And then stood there on those tremblin' knees and waited for the worst.
And he said, "Let me tell you a secret about a father's love,
A secret that my daddy said was just between us."
He said, "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then.
It's a love without end, amen, it's a love without end, amen."
A secret that my daddy said was just between us."
He said, "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then.
It's a love without end, amen, it's a love without end, amen."
When I became a father in the spring of '81
There was no doubt that stubborn boy was just like my father's son.
And when I thought my patience had been tested to the end,
I took my daddy's secret and I passed it on to him.
There was no doubt that stubborn boy was just like my father's son.
And when I thought my patience had been tested to the end,
I took my daddy's secret and I passed it on to him.
And he said, "Let me tell you a secret about a father's love,
A secret that my daddy said was just between us."
He said, "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then.
It's a love without end, amen, it's a love without end, amen."
A secret that my daddy said was just between us."
He said, "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then.
It's a love without end, amen, it's a love without end, amen."
Last night I dreamed I died and stood outside those pearly gates.
When suddenly I realized there must be some mistake.
If they know half the things I've done, they'll never let me in.
And then somewhere from the other side I heard these words again.
When suddenly I realized there must be some mistake.
If they know half the things I've done, they'll never let me in.
And then somewhere from the other side I heard these words again.
And he said, "Let me tell you a secret about a father's love,
A secret that my daddy said was just between us."
He said, "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then.
It's a love without end, amen, it's a love without end, amen."
A secret that my daddy said was just between us."
He said, "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then.
It's a love without end, amen, it's a love without end, amen."
Click Here to hear this video.
Source: youtube.com
Daddy's Hands
Read more: Holly Dunn - Daddy's Hands Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Click Here to here this video.
Source: youtube.com
I remember Daddy's hands,
folded silently in prayer
And reaching out to hold me,
when I had a nightmare
You could read quite a story,
in the callouses and lines
Years of work and worry
had left their mark behind
folded silently in prayer
And reaching out to hold me,
when I had a nightmare
You could read quite a story,
in the callouses and lines
Years of work and worry
had left their mark behind
I remember Daddy's hands,
how they held my Mama tight
And patted my back,
for something done right
There are things that I've forgotten,
that I loved about the man
But I'll always remember
the love in Daddy's hands
how they held my Mama tight
And patted my back,
for something done right
There are things that I've forgotten,
that I loved about the man
But I'll always remember
the love in Daddy's hands
Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin'
Daddy's hands, were hard as steel
when I'd done wrong
Daddy's hands, weren't always gentle
But I've come to understand
There was always love
in Daddy's hands
Daddy's hands, were hard as steel
when I'd done wrong
Daddy's hands, weren't always gentle
But I've come to understand
There was always love
in Daddy's hands
I remember Daddy's hands
, working 'til they bled
Sacrificed unselfishly,
just to keep us all fed
If I could do things over,
I'd live my life again
And never take for granted
the love in Daddy's hands
, working 'til they bled
Sacrificed unselfishly,
just to keep us all fed
If I could do things over,
I'd live my life again
And never take for granted
the love in Daddy's hands
Daddy's hands were soft and kind
when I was cryin'
Daddy's hands, were hard as steel
when I'd done wrong
Daddy's hands, weren't always gentle
But I've come to understand
There was always love in Daddy's hands
when I was cryin'
Daddy's hands, were hard as steel
when I'd done wrong
Daddy's hands, weren't always gentle
But I've come to understand
There was always love in Daddy's hands
Daddy's hands were soft and kind
when I was cryin'
Daddy's hands, were hard as steel
when I'd done wrong
Daddy's hands, weren't always gentle
But I've come to understand
There was always love
In Daddy's hands
when I was cryin'
Daddy's hands, were hard as steel
when I'd done wrong
Daddy's hands, weren't always gentle
But I've come to understand
There was always love
In Daddy's hands
Read more: Holly Dunn - Daddy's Hands Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Click Here to here this video.
Source: youtube.com
Grandpa Tell Me Bout The Good Old Days
Click Here to hear this video.
Source: youtube.com
Tell me 'bout the good old days.
Sometimes it feels like
This world's gone crazy.
Grandpa, take me back to yesterday,
Where the line between right and wrong
Didn't seem so hazy.
Tell me 'bout the good old days.
Sometimes it feels like
This world's gone crazy.
Grandpa, take me back to yesterday,
Where the line between right and wrong
Didn't seem so hazy.
Did lovers really fall in love to stay
Stand beside each other come what may
was a promise really something people kept,
Not just something they would say
Did families really bow their heads to pray
Did daddies really never go away
Whoa oh Grandpa,
Tell me 'bout the good old days.
Stand beside each other come what may
was a promise really something people kept,
Not just something they would say
Did families really bow their heads to pray
Did daddies really never go away
Whoa oh Grandpa,
Tell me 'bout the good old days.
Everything is changing fast.
We call it progress,
But I just don't know.
And Grandpa, let's wonder back into the past,
And paint me a picture of long ago.
Everything is changing fast.
We call it progress,
But I just don't know.
And Grandpa, let's wonder back into the past,
And paint me a picture of long ago.
Did lovers really fall in love to stay
Stand beside each other come what may
Was a promise really something people kept,
Not just something they would say and then forget
Did families really bow their heads to pray
Did daddies really never go away
Whoa oh Grandpa,
Tell me 'bout the good old days.
Stand beside each other come what may
Was a promise really something people kept,
Not just something they would say and then forget
Did families really bow their heads to pray
Did daddies really never go away
Whoa oh Grandpa,
Tell me 'bout the good old days.
Whoa oh Grandpa,
Tell me 'bout the good ole days.
Tell me 'bout the good ole days.
Click Here to hear this video.
Source: youtube.com
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Our Son's Engagement
Our son has found a lady that he wants to settle down with and raise a family.
This week they announced their engagement: We look forward to welcoming Tina as part of the Waters Family.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Papaw Waters And My Memories
LENGTHY POST WARNING.....pardon, but I was in a writing mood today. I think some of you might enjoy. smile emoticon
Papaw Waters and my memories: Today, March 4 is "Papaw" (Joseph Oliver Waters, Sr's) birthday. He has been on my mind this week and so Sam and I did a rummage through some photo albums to find the following photos.
Maybe some of you don't know. But, my full name is Miriam Annette Shippey (Whitley). So, why then did I get the nickname, Nettie? When Papaw saw me and realized my name was Annette, he just simply said, "Well, I finally got my little Nettie." The name stuck. (Nettie Elizabeth Ann Waters was his mothers name). I was called Nettie until my 9th grade year at which time I though Nettie was a country girls name. I was going into high school and though Annette more sophisticated. So told my classmates, I'd ignore them if they called me Nettie.....so Annette I soon became. Today, I prefer Nettie! HA! Oh, the antics of my youth! How sweet to have been given such a special name, Nettie.
You know, I was one very lucky kid because Mom and Dad were going to school and work and my daycare was at Mamaw and Papaw's house. I spent a LOT of time with them. A LOT of time! I am so thankful for those times now because I have lots and lots of memories. So many they overwhelm me today. So, I decided I'd share a few.
One day a week it would be Papaw's day to drive to Atlanta in his Big White Delivery Truck and pick up furniture for the store. It was always a bumpy ride for some reason. Mamaw would be crocheting. Papaw usually quiet then out of the blue a song or two or a rhyme we grandkids can all remember he did quite well. It was sometimes a 2 hour drive to get there. HOT in summer and the truck didn't have A/C I believe. But, I was happy as could be. I knew somewhere along the way Papaw would say, "Mamaw, let's stop and get a burger. That place is coming up and I'm hungry for a burger." Those burgers were big to my little self but it and the fries I'd gobble up were delightful. Sometimes, he'd get us a milk shake we'd all share. Chocolate. I'd be standing between Mamaw and Papaw the whole ride. After picking up furniture, Papaw would say, "I'm going to go stop at "such and such auction" and see what I can sell and get". He'd often tell me to stay in the truck with Mamaw. But, I'd sneak out of the truck and walk around until I found him. He'd scold me, "Nettie, you shouldn't be in here with all this cigarette smoke and spitting. But since your here hold my hand." And, I would. My small fingers usually wrapped around his big ole pinky until he would want to make a bid then I'd stand next to his leg until business was done. It was always dark night when we would come home. I would usually have to be awakened or carried in to one of their beds. I think most of those nights I just stayed with them and got picked up the next day by Mom and Dad.
Any of you grandkids remember the white station wagon we'd all crawl into. Who's going to ride with Mamaw and Papaw? And off we would run.
Do you remember when Sunday would arrive and after church meeting we'd all go for dinner/potluck at Mamaw and Papaw's? I remember running into the house trying to beat every other cousin to Papaw first so he could scratch my back before the others. Oh, the lap competition. HA! Crazy how much we would love that. I don't think any back scratch lasted over a minute but oh we would vie for that time. I'm next one would say! Then another, well, I'm next!
Papaw's favorite cake was coconut cake. He LOVED homemade best. I think I learned to like the flavor just because Papaw loved it. When a homemade one wasn't available, he'd buy Pepperidge Farms frozen coconut cakes. Mamaw would have to scold him because he'd sneak in and take some slices before dinner. She probably knew I use to sneak in and get a tiny slice myself...but she never scolded me.
Papaw bought Mamaw a brand new black stove. Papaw thought he would surprise her but when she saw the black stove she told him he'd just have to take it back. Why?, Papaw asked. Mamaw said, "I hate a black stove. Get me a white one instead." Papaw in return said, "Well you could have fooled me! Your white stoves always turn black." OOOOOooo boy! He had to run from the room on that one! (Mamaw knew two levels of cooking; High and OFF! Her burners would be so black. One time I asked her why she kept the singing tea kettle always on high. She said because I hate warm tea/coffee. And if anyone comes, I have hot water ready for them.) By the way, the black stove did get returned and replaced with a white one.
I remember sitting on Papaw's lap and he'd give me a big ole hug and that large hand of his would come up and caress my cheek. His hands were usually rough but the tenderness and love he conveyed in that caress made me feel I was very special to him indeed.
Papaw would come home for lunch every work day. He'd eat and then say, "Mamaw, It's nap time." He would go lay on their bed on top of the covers. Mamaw would quietly lay next to him. She was the "timer" you see. She was not suppose to ever let him sleep over 15 mintes. Papaw always said that 15 minute naps were power naps. Any less or any more would make you sluggish for the day. But, just 15 minutes and "boom" Papaw was ready to get back to the store. Me, I was suppose to be laying down on my bed in the guest room but I didn't want to be too far away. So I'd sneak to the door but not enter. I'd just sit on the floor right where the door was cracked open a couple of inches. I'd hear them talking about something or someone then Papaw would start to snore. Mamaw rarely ever slept for she was the 'timer' and I KNOW she had to realize I was not in my bed but she rarely scolded me. Thank goodness Papaw's naps were only 15 minutes!! Ugh! I hated when we would have to nap for longer.
Mom was at Emory Hospital in a coma. She was there nine days. Papaw hadn't been able to get down to visit her and was anxious to do so. I don't remember who all came with him. But, I remember people coming into the hospital room door until finally Papaw was at the door. He took one step inside and froze. His arms went up to the door frame as if to hold himself up and the words he spoke were this; "OH Nita! My Nita! You're gone. I know your gone! My Nita, your soul is no longer on this earth. I can feel that." He broke into tears but kept his composure as much as possible. He went to her and caressed her cheek just like he had mine so many times as a child. He said, "A parent isn't suppose to outlive their child. Oh, how I am going to miss her." And then he cried hard. Me, well, of course, I bawled. I knew in my heart then that Mom was gone. They hadn't taken the two test necessary at that point to determine if she was brain dead. So, she was still on a ventilator. But, his words I knew were true. And within a day or so we found out he was correct. That day so vivid and emotional to me even today.
We took Sam to their house for a visit. Papaw was sitting next to Mamaw who at this time could not speak due to her strokes. I asked Papaw, "What kept your marriage so strong throughout the years?" Papaw got quiet for a few moments as he turned and was looking at Mamaw. Then his hand went up and caressed her cheek and said, " Love. Simply, Love." It was all that was needed to be said. He loved Mamaw so very much. The story of how they met is quite entertaining but too long for this post. (see photo entitled Last photo).
As life got more full and busier I found myself going less and less to their home for visits. The ones I did make were special. But to this day I wish I had of made more visits as an adult.
I remember the day I got word that Papaw had the stroke. Seeing him lying in bed not knowing whether or not he could hear and understand because he couldn't speak, broke my heart. The big burly full of life Papaw that I'd always known was at deaths door. I tried not to cry as I leaned down in his ear to tell him something personal, but I cried anyway as I spoke into his ear. I had my hand in his and I felt him squeeze it after I had my say. It was the last touch of that big burly hand yet soft touch of affection I ever felt from him.
In MY eyes, he was always kind. He tried to make people laugh. His Faith and Truth meant the greatest to him. He loved his family! He loved his Grandkids! He loved his Great-grandkids! I wish I could remember all the stories he told. The ones about the gospel and the different meetings he and Mamaw would attend all over the world on their various trips. The talks he'd give of his time in the military. The funny tricks he'd play on relatives. I don't remember him being unkind to anyone. And, he always tried to help out where he could.
He helped forge a path in my life and a sensitivity to people. I treasure his example, the time he had for me, and the lessons learned by just being with him in my youth.
We may not realize the effect with have on someone else's life. We may not realize just how closely someone is watching us.
Oh, how I was lucky! I had the best Mamaw and Papaw, ever!
So, take heed....
Oh, how I was lucky! I had the best Mamaw and Papaw, ever!
So, take heed....
Love. Simply love.
It's something we can all do!
It's something we can all do!
Written By: Annette Shippey Whitley
Today Would Have Been My Dad's Birthday
Today (March 4th) would have been our dad's (Joseph O. Waters Sr.) Birthday. He was the best dad that anyone could ever have.
He always liked his Coconut Cake, but he wouldn't complain if another cake was served.
He liked it whenever the family could come home and we could all spend time together.
He loved to get up early in the morning and play his only song that he knew on the piano to let us kids know it was time to, "rise and shine."
As I look back now, I am thankful for all the stories he shared with us of his childhood and his experiences as he grew into a young man. Now whenever I face an obstacle in life, I remember something he would have told us, and it makes the experience easier.
In the evenings after supper you would find him laying on the Living Room floor, he said that he was realigning his back after a day of work.
I remember that every Tuesday he went to Atlanta to buy stock to replenish stock that had been sold the previous week at the store. We would first go to Crosley and later it was Norge, Hotpoint and then Westinghouse to get our appliances. Whenever we needed an appliance he would buy for our home the model of appliance that had been in, inventory the longest because he wanted their customers to get the newest appliance.
I ask my brothers and sisters do they remember some of these appliances. We got the refrigerator with the freezer on the bottom and the shelves were counter lever so that you could crank the shelves up or down according to the size of the item on the shelf. We also had the ironer that looked like a chest freezer with a lid like a file box that covered the ironer roller and the heating press. It was fun to use and we kids wanted to iron everything. (even our underwear) You would sit in front of the Ironer and insert the garment into the back of the Ironer and use the press to iron that part of the garment (much like a Cleaners would) and as it came down the roller it folded the garment. It was pretty neat. I was glad that no one wanted to buy it because we loved it.
We would go to Atlanta Stove Works to purchase Wood Stoves and Wood Heaters as well as gas heaters. They also sold Porch furniture like cast iron yard furniture in the Grape Pattern and Gliders for the yard or front porch as well as yard furniture. These were sold in colors of, red/white, green/white, yellow/white and blue/white. I remember many a Summer day of assembling of these items.
We would go to Lee Products to get cookware, pressure cookers, and other household appliances. Lee Products was owned by a Japenese Couple, that had no children, but loved children very much. I remember our dad telling us we could look at the toys in the showroom but we were not to touch them. This was a paradise for me as a young lad. They had all kinds of toy trucks and cars, bikes, trikes and everything that you could imagine. I remember I got my first bike here. (It wasn't new because my dad said I needed to appreciate it and later when I worked to earn a new bike I would appreciate it more.) And as always he was right, when I got my new bike here, I did appreciate it and it lasted me for many years.
We also went to Woodalls, which was a repair shop for small appliances. We would take toasters, frying pans, pressure cookers, etc.., items in for repair for our customers and pick them up the next week for our customers.
As a child, I loved to rummage in the dumpsters of these companies that we would go to each week and it was like a treasure trove of what they threw away.
When it was time to return home from Atlanta, dad would let us ride on the back of the truck home. We would build us a spot to hide in if it rained on the return or we would climb to the top of the load to feel the wind in our faces as he drove down the road. We knew that if we ever misbehaved we would get punished when we got home.
It's hard to believe that mom and dad have been gone for twelve years. There are days when you want to call and then remember that they are gone.
I guess what I'm trying to say is "Thank-You," for all of the love and care while growing up. "Thank You," for lifting up Christ before us, and being and example by showing us how to live our life for Christ. We are so glad for experiences that molded us in to what we are today.
Love Forever Your Youngest Son,
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
In Memory Of My Mother

Mother bring me home from the hospital and my big sister seeing me for the first time.
In memory of my mother, Sara Juanita Waters Shippey who would have been 70 years old today. I hear her voice in my head so often. I have used the guidance she taught me all my life. I can hear her playing the accordion out on the deck in the wee hours of the morning, still. I can remember a time I made her cry and to this day I feel awful I did. But, I can remember her forgiveness and her constant love. I'm glad we were an affectionate family for there are times when I can remember her hugs and feel the warmth yet again. The pain of her loss has lessened over time because I've come to understand why God called her early. How she would love her grandchildren!! So proud of them. So proud of her son for all his accomplishments. I imagine if she were living she and Dad would have traveled the world over by now. This morning, what I remember most was her faith in God. She loved Truth, our fellowship meetings, singing the hymns. Most mornings I would see her sitting in her living room chair....knee highs with knit bootee socks Grandma would make us with her sweatpants stuck inside them...her pj's...sometimes shirt inside out...and a blanket wrapped all around her as she would be reading her bible...or kneeling over the ottoman praying. She was a powerful influence in my life. And, over the years I come to realize the influence she had in other peoples lives., as well. Remember the school plays she would have her kids perform? Her walks around the school with the kids mimicking her every move. The stories she would tell us of "funnies" the students would say. I remember after her death cleaning out her classroom and just sitting and crying on the floor not wanting to pack up. The reality of her death hit so strong. Yet, the memories of all the beautiful times flooding my head. I didn't have my mother for very long in life. She died at the young age of 47. I'll be 47 this year. But, she made an impression on my youthful heart and spirit that I am so very grateful for. One of her favorite hymns from our hymn book is title A Tender Heart. "Give me a heart that's tender true...." "Take out the stony heart, take out the bitterness: Give me a gracious heart that's full of tenderness, A heart that understands, that will not fret or pine: Give me a tender heart- a heart like thine."...and one verse in particular "I want to feel the pain my neighbors often know And lend a helping hand if he be friend or foe. I want to share the loss in every weal or woe And have a tender heart, wherever I go." I think she had this kind of heart. She loved people. She told me one time she didn't know if she could "want to feel the pain her neighbors often know" but she wanted God to work with her heart so that she would be willing for such. I think she had a wonderful heart. But, then again, she was my special Mom. Her kindnesses inspire me to be kind. Her own heart encourages me to this day from her own heart. The loss of a loved one is just plum...hard. But, memories of that loved one feed us when we need them and warm us to continue on. She would often tell us children before we would leave the house to go spend time with friends, "You are our children, but remember whose you are." Love while yet you can be loved. And when the arms of that loved one are no longer available, love the memories that can be loved. - I just felt a need to share. Love to all! Those who knew her, I hope you have special memories of her as well.
Written By: Annette Shippey Whitley
Friday, February 5, 2016
Saturday, January 2, 2016
David Robert Waters

Birth: | Mar. 3, 1849 |
Death: | Feb. 6, 1920 |
![]() Funeral services for Mr David R Waters, aged seventy-two, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs J D Kellum, 835 Oconee street yesterday morning, will be held from the residence this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and interment will follow in Oconee cemetery. Rev A L Flury will conduct the funeral services and the Masonic fraternity will render the burial cermony. Mr Waters is survived by his widow, Mrs Fannie Waters; two daughters Mrs J D Kellum and Mrs W G Bray, Athens; two sons, J S Waters, Augusta, and D S Waters, Athens. Also by a sister, Mrs Angelina Sanders, of Eatonton, Ga. Athens Banner, Feb 7, 1920 ~ page 1 Family links: Parents: Carolyn Barsheba Hamilton Waters (____ - 1899) Spouse: Mary Frances Porterfield Waters (1852 - 1932)* Children: Lillie J. Waters (1874 - 1891)* John Samuel Waters (1883 - 1938)* Tempie C. Waters Kellum (1884 - 1951)* Emory Sims Waters (1889 - 1918)* David S. Waters (1896 - 1942)* Siblings: James Knox Polk Waters (1847 - 1903)* David Robert Waters (1849 - 1920) Frances M Waters Meade (1853 - 1910)* *Calculated relationship | |
Burial: Oconee Hill Cemetery Athens Clarke County Georgia, USA Plot: V 26b | |
Created by: Ed Saye Record added: Apr 21, 2011 Find A Grave Memorial# 68721897 |
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